Disclaimer: WebGL build does not perform as well as the executable. We recommend downloading the game for the best experience.  WebGL build contains lower framerate on denser levels, missing text when not in fullscreen, and no cutscenes.

If you play in browser, links to the cutscenes are below!


Project Azamusk is a high-angle perspective 3D sci-fi puzzle game. Your goal is to transport a capsule through each level. Take control of various machines to interact with the environment and make creative use of game systems to solve puzzles.

You are an AI that reawakens in an abandoned, derelict Azamusk facility. The world has been engulfed with hazardous gases as a result of decades of CO2 emissions and pollution. The Azamusk Corporation was able to produce an air-purifying compound that could neutralize the smog.

This game was made for Carleton University's IMD Capstone Project 2021.  Our team of six spent the last 8 months designing and developing Project Azamusk for our final year project.


  • 6  available levels
  • 3 machines to use with multiple levels of upgrades
  • ~45 minutes of gameplay
  • Keyboard and mouse controls



Follow Us:

Twitter: https://twitter.com/project_azamusk

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/project_azamusk/



Project Azamusk.zip 230 MB

Install instructions

PC Only: Extract the zip file and run the "Project-Azamusk.exe".

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